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# automatically generated file. # generated by Freemind version 0.8.0 # To change an option, please remove the '#' at the front of the corresponding line and restart freemind. Otherwise, the changes are ignored. ##/*$Id:,v 2005/09/04 16:56:18 christianfoltin Exp $*/ -*- mode:sh -*- ##This is the language that should be used in the program. "automatic" tries to load the current user's language. #language = automatic <言語 # #antialias = antialias_edges #html_export_folding = html_export_fold_currently_folded # ## Experimental features, "true" / "false" #experimental_file_locking_on = false ##If dnd is enabled. "true" or "false" #draganddrop = true # ##The Modes which Freemind will load on startup, full Class names, comma, identifier, separated by a comma. ##modes = freemind.modes.browsemode.BrowseMode,Browse,freemind.modes.mindmapmode.MindMapMode,MindMap,freemind.modes.filemode.FileMode,File #modes_since_0_8_0 = freemind.modes.browsemode.BrowseMode,Browse,freemind.modes.mindmapmode.MindMapMode,MindMap,freemind.modes.filemode.FileMode,File ##The initial mode that is loaded on startup #initial_mode = MindMap # ##This is the place where the users properties file is located. It is ignored by the applet (set Parameters in the html ##file instead). You can write "~" to indicate the users home directory. ##Of course this works only in the default "", which is included in the jar file, not for the users ##freemind.props out of the jar file. #properties_folder = .freemind #userproperties = #autoproperties = #patternsfile = patterns.xml # ##The default new node style. "fork", "bubble" "as_parent" and "combined" are supported ## standardnodestyle = fork ## standardnodestyle = bubble #standardnodestyle = as_parent # ##The root node style if no other is specified. "fork" and "bubble" and "combined" are supported # #standardrootnodestyle = fork # # ##The standard node color. In html notation (#RRGGBB in hex values) #standardnodecolor = #000000 ##The standard node color if selected. In html notation (#RRGGBB in hex values) #standardselectednodecolor = #D2D2D2 ## old: #4b70ff # ##The default node font. This will only work if the font (TrueTypeFont) is available on the system #defaultfont = SansSerif <フォント #defaultfontstyle = 0 #defaultfontsize = 12 # ##The default maximal node width in pixels #max_node_width = 600 # ##The standard edge color in html notation #standardedgecolor = #808080 ## old: #2540b4 ##The standard edge style. "linear" and "bezier" are supported #standardedgestyle = bezier # ##The standard cloud color in html notation #standardcloudcolor = #f0f0f0 ##The standard cloud style. currently, only "bezier" is supported #standardcloudestyle = bezier # ##The standard link color in html notation #standardlinkcolor = #b0b0b0 ##The standard link style. currently, only "bezier" is supported #standardlinkestyle = bezier # ##The standard background color in html notation #standardbackgroundcolor = #ffffff ##The Look&Feel to use. "metal","windows","motif", "gtk" are supported, "mac" is available only on MacOS ## default means, that the default look and feel is used. ## If you want to put your own L&F, please, enter the class name here and ## assure that the corresponding jar file(s) are loaded. ## If there are problems with the look and feel, then choose "nothing" here. ##It work for applets #lookandfeel = default <ルックアンドフィール ##The initial size of every map #mapxsize = 1000 #mapysize = 3200 ##Where to place new branches. Valid values are "first" and "last" #placenewbranches = last ##Set Links either relative or absolute #links = relative ##The URL of the documentation mindmap (.mm) #docmapurl = ./doc/ #docmapurl_since_version_0_7_0 = ./doc/ ##This is a hash that maps endings of files to programs which should be used to open them. ##It is only used by the application,not by the applet. ##Special keywords: "default" instead of file and "execute" instead of program ##Examples: Unix: "default:netscape,sh:bash,txt:emacs,mp3:freeamp,jpg:xv" ##Windows: "default:explorer,exe:execute,com:execute,bat:execute,mp3:winamp,doc:word" ##filetypes = default:netscape ## filetypes is obsolete # #preferred_browsers = explorer;konqueror;netscape # Not yet implemented !!! # #last_opened_list_length = 25 # ## {{{ Edit Long node # ## above / below #el__buttons_position = above #el__position_window_below_node = true #el__min_default_window_height = 150 #el__max_default_window_height = 500 #el__min_default_window_width = 600 #el__max_default_window_width = 600 #el__enter_confirms_by_default = true # ## }}} ## {{{ Keystrokes ## ## These are the accelerators for the menu items. Valid modifiers are: ## shift | control | alt | meta | button1 | button2 | button3 ## Valid keys should be all that are defined in java.awt.event.KeyEvent ## (without the "VK_" prefix), but I found this buggy. All normal char's should work. # ## The ideas employed in choice of keyboard shortcuts are: ## If there is a standard for a feature, use it ## Use control modifier whereever possible # ##Commands for the program #keystroke_newMap = control N #keystroke_open = control O #keystroke_save = control S #keystroke_saveAs = control shift S #keystroke_print = control P #keystroke_close = control W #keystroke_quit = control Q #keystroke_export_to_html = control E #keystroke_export_branch_to_html = control H #keystroke_open_first_in_history = control shift W # #keystroke_previousMap = control LEFT #keystroke_nextMap = control RIGHT # #keystroke_option_dialog = control COMMA # #keystroke_mode_MindMap = alt 1 #keystroke_mode_Browse = alt 2 #keystroke_mode_File = alt 3 # #keystroke_node_toggle_italic = control I #keystroke_node_toggle_boldface = control B #keystroke_node_toggle_underlined = control U #keystroke_node_toggle_cloud = control shift B # #keystroke_undo = control Z #keystroke_redo = control Y #keystroke_delete_child = DELETE #keystroke_select_all = control A #keystroke_select_branch = control shift A # ##Node editing commands #keystroke_cut = control X #keystroke_copy = control C #keystroke_copy_single = control shift C #keystroke_paste = control V #keystroke_remove = none #keystroke_add_arrow_link_action=control L #keystroke_add_local_link_action=alt L # ## Unline with control X, the node you remove with action remove cannot be ## pasted again. Therefore, we do not provide any quick shortcut. We suggest ## that you use cut instead of remove. # ##Node navigation commands #keystroke_moveToRoot = ESCAPE #keystroke_move_up = E #keystroke_move_down = D #keystroke_move_left = S #keystroke_move_right = F #keystroke_follow_link = control ENTER # ##New node commands #keystroke_add = ENTER #keystroke_add_child = INSERT ## on mac, there is no INSERT key, so use TAB instead. #keystroke_add_child_mac = TAB #keystroke_add_sibling_before = shift ENTER # ##Node editing commands #keystroke_edit = F2 #keystroke_edit_long_node = alt ENTER #keystroke_join_nodes = control J #keystroke_toggle_folded = SPACE #keystroke_toggle_children_folded = control SPACE #keystroke_set_link_by_filechooser = control shift K #keystroke_set_link_by_textfield = control K #keystroke_set_image_by_filechooser = alt K #keystroke_node_up = control UP #keystroke_node_down = control DOWN #keystroke_node_increase_font_size = control PLUS #keystroke_node_decrease_font_size = control MINUS #keystroke_branch_increase_font_size = control shift PLUS #keystroke_branch_decrease_font_size = control shift MINUS #keystroke_export_branch = alt A ## #keystroke_node_color = alt F #keystroke_node_color_blend = alt B #keystroke_edge_color = alt E # #keystroke_find = ctrl F #keystroke_find_next = ctrl G # ## Apply patterns # ## There is no limiting number of the pattern, you can have as many ## keystrokes for patterns as you want. # ## The reason I do not follow to F10 and further in this default is that ## F10 has special function on Windows. # #keystroke_apply_pattern_1 = F1 #keystroke_apply_pattern_2 = control shift N #keystroke_apply_pattern_3 = F3 #keystroke_apply_pattern_4 = F4 #keystroke_apply_pattern_5 = F5 #keystroke_apply_pattern_6 = F6 #keystroke_apply_pattern_7 = F7 #keystroke_apply_pattern_8 = F8 #keystroke_apply_pattern_9 = F9 #keystroke_apply_pattern_10 = control F1 #keystroke_apply_pattern_11 = control F2 #keystroke_apply_pattern_12 = control F3 #keystroke_apply_pattern_13 = control F4 #keystroke_apply_pattern_14 = control F5 #keystroke_apply_pattern_15 = control F6 #keystroke_apply_pattern_16 = control F7 #keystroke_apply_pattern_17 = control F8 #keystroke_apply_pattern_18 = control F9 # #keystroke_zoom_out = alt UP #keystroke_zoom_in = alt DOWN # ## ## }}} # ##Don't display "move" cursor during paper dragging #disable_cursor_move_paper = false # ##Key typing: if enabled enters node editing #disable_key_type = false # ##Key typing: overwrites content (false) / creates new sibling (true) ## (requires: disable_key_type = false) #key_type_adds_new = false # ##Enable leaves folding ## == changing bubble/fork for fold action ## (although if false, you can always use node style to change it) #enable_leaves_folding = false # ## Tell if HTML exported from FreeMind should contain icons. ## The trouble with icons is that quite often the links to ## icons will not be found in the exported HTML. #export_icons_in_html = false # ## ## The Browse Mode ## ##The URL of the map that is loaded when browsemode starts up #browsemode_initial_map = ./doc/ # ## ## The default browser setting ## ## For Windows (the \"\" signs are necessary due to links, that have "=" in their URL). ## default_browser_command_windows_nt = explorer "{0}" ## ## # For "Windows NT": ## default_browser_command_windows_nt = C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe "{0}" ## ## The next setting works for the default browser, but eventually starts programs without questions, so be careful! ## ## default_browser_command_windows_nt = rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler {0} #default_browser_command_windows_nt = cmd.exe /c start "" "{0}" #default_browser_command_windows_9x = /c start "{0}" ## Dimitri proposed: ## default_browser_command_windows_9x = explorer "{0}" ## ## Here the default browser for other operating systems goes: ## ## other is typically Linux: #default_browser_command_other_os = mozilla {0} ## ## and MAC: (thanks to Nick!) #default_browser_command_mac = open -a /Applications/ {0} # ## ## Selection time delay of nodes when mouse is over (in msec) ## ## Change this value to 1 if you want direct selection on mouse over. ## #time_for_delayed_selection=500 ## ## with the following switch you can enable/disable the delayed selection scheme ## ## Auto options. Do not modify these as they will be saved to anyway. #selection_method = selection_method_direct ##keystroke_selection_method_by_click = control shift D ##keystroke_selection_method_direct = control shift S ## ## ## time between two consecutive automatic saving actions (in msec): ## ============================================================== ## To disable automatic saving set this number to 2000000000. #time_for_automatic_save=60000 ## ## If the files should be deleted automatically on a normal shutdown of Freemind set the following variable to true #delete_automatic_saves_at_exit=true ## ## number n of different files to store the maps into. ## The first automatic save is done in the first file, and so on ## up to the n+1-save which is again stored in the first file (cyclic) #number_of_different_files_for_automatic_save=10 ## ## to change the default path (this is "" of java), enter a directory path here: ## other possibilities: ## * freemind_home stands for the directory, where the are. ## * default points to #path_to_automatic_saves=freemind_home ## Dimitri, 01.09.04 ## width of the folding marking circle # #foldingsymbolwidth = 6 # ## Fc, 10.7.2005. ## Levels of undo #undo_levels=100 |